Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy cleaning!

I had a friend request four sets of 2 washcloths.  So, I've been busy making these little lovelies!
Aren't they pretty?  Darcie and I sit in Sacrament Meeting and Sunday School and we crochet. 
My Mom says it's irreverant....hmmm. I'll have to think about that.  
(I always put mine down when it's time for the sacrament.)
A lady in our ward taught us how and now we are hooked!
Mike say's we look like a couple of Old Granny's...;) 
And here they are all wrapped and ready for delivery.
These are gonna make a great homemade gift this year.

Happy Halloween!  Happy Cleaning!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are at it again. Looks like a bunch of fun!
