Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Falling to Heaven

I strongly recommend this fantastic book!  Falling to Heaven, The surprising path to Happiness. It was given to me by a friend for my birthday.  I had read one other book by this author who is James L. Ferrell.  The book is called The Peacegiver.  The Peacegiver gives you quite the insight into a deeper committment and perspective on marriage, pure love and service to one another.  It is fantastic!  You might have heard of it or read it yourself.  It is another fantastic book!  That was about 3 or 4 years ago.  After reading it I atteneded a Time out for Women Conference in Sacramento James Ferrell was one of the speakers there.  He spoke about how "Up is Down and Down is Up if Down is before the Lord".  I found this concept very intriguing.  I wondered if he had written another book regarding this concept and looked and looked but never found one.  Then this year one of my best friends gives me this book and so I started reading it and after the first few pages I had to look at who the author was before I realized this was exactly the book I had hoped he would write.  The friend who gave it to me had not read it and so I told her about it and she went out and bought herself a copy too and we read it at the same time.

I love this kind of stuff! These are the kind of books I feel are worth reading.  I am not a big reader especially where novels and fiction are involved.  I just cant get into them. . But!  This kind of book is right up my alley.  A good book that I can learn from. A book that makes you take a deeper look at what is true, what is real and what is important in life.  A book that helps you explore where your priorities lie.  The greatest concept that I gleamed from reading this book is this,  until we learn to humble ourselves in all aspects of our lives, we will never really know the Lord or feel deserving of his grace.  We are all so very blessed through the atonement and we are all equally deserving in his eyes!  Falling to Heaven is the only way to real happiness. Read it!  It is fantastic! 

"Still reading good books"!

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