Friday, July 8, 2011

Keeping it together

Well, I must say.  The time is flying right by until Michael's return.  Since Stephen was injured last week we have been busy with Dr. appts and surgery and just dealing with him.  But to add to this, my camera broke, and our dryer broke also.  Not to mention that Bryce has a friend here from Idaho this week.  He'll be here til Sunday.  Mike fixed the dryer last night, so if I can just get my camera fixed, my house cleaned and a pedicure before Tuesday we will be all good.

Stephen had a rough night last night adjusting to his medication.  We called the doctor and he told us to give him a double dose....thank was a rough evening!  But we will continue with that for the next couple of days while we are dealing with the affects of the surgery.  He finally got the feeling back in his arm now.  That was a bit freaky for him.  Unfortunately he had visitors right at the peak of his pain....not good.  He is sleeping well this morning and I am waking him up every so often for more meds.

So, by Monday they say he should be holding his own with little medication.  Just in time for Michael's arrival.  Needless to say the time is flying by quickly!  Once Michael returns, we will have a whole slew of new visitors.  Thinking about all of this you would think I'd be losing it by now.  But, actually I am doing pretty well.  However, I had a dream last night that I lost it and I took it all out on my poor you think it is supressed stress?? I do!! So, I'm trying real hard to keep it all together.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry always tells me to take a deep breath and blow out the butterflies and stress and you know it actually works (sometimes) you have had a full plate, and your doing good keeping it together..hang in there, the rainbow is coming..big ya..will be sending happy thoughts your way..
